25 December 1916

Extract from the diary of Pte James Arthur Railton, 8th Bn, 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment

[Pte Railton was from Wallasey and was called up in October 1916 and sent to Mesopotamia]

Christmas day (alongside quay). Service around 10am. Awful dinner. 3 rotten potatoes and a price of fat underdone meat and an orange. No sign of any Xmas pudding. Felt most miserable all day. Wrote home (16 men allowed ashore out of our crowd). Went for dinner.

 Extract from the official war diary of the 1st Bn, 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment

Support trenches

250 men employed in carrying T.M. ammunition.  2nd Lieut JAQUES proceeded on leave and 9 O.R’s.   It was decided to hold no Xmas dinner but to wait until January 2nd

Extract from the official war diary of the 2nd Bn, 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment

Christmas Day was very quiet, enemy acted quite decent, did not fire their guns for the whole of the day.

8 December 1916

Extract from the official war diary of the 2nd Bn, 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment


Adjustment of Trench Line – Battalion took over from Northumberland Fusiliers trenches 12 to 18 inclusive.  N. Fusiliers relieved Suffolk Regt. in trenches 1-10 and moved their Bn. H. Q. to ELISAH.  Front line trenches now held by Cheshires and N. Fusiliers, with Suffolks and Welch in reserve at ELISAH and ORMANLI respectively.

Battlion holding trenches 12-25 with two companies, the other two companies being in support, one in billets S.E. BARAKLI DZUMA, and the other in dug outs at DOLAP.

16 November 1916

Extract from the official war diary of the 2nd Bn, 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment


Suffolk Regiment attacked and captured BARAKLI.  2nd Cheshire Regt made a frontal demonstration.  Part of “A” Co.  and half of Bn. Scouts left billets at 4.30 am and marched to within 1000 yds of BARAKLI with instructions to prepare cover against artillery fire  from the direction of ERNIKOJ.  A controlled rapid fire was directed on trenches N.W. of BARAKLI from 6.30 am – 6.45 am when Suffolk Regt entered BARAKLI.  Party withdrew at 9 am and although subjected to shell fire sustained no casualties.

 Extract from the official war diary of the 9th Bn, 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment


The enemy continued the shelling of our trenches.  Retaliation being called for the enemy quietened down, our heavies doing good work.  A report from C.C.S. stated that Lt Evans had succumbed to his wounds.  The Bn. was relieved by the 7th Bn. E. Kents, the relief being complete by 1.40 am.  The Bn. moved into MARLBOROUGH HUTS.  The weather was bright and frosty

4 November 1916

Extract from the official war diary of the 2nd Bn, 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment


Battalion busy improving line of defence.  Wire entanglements strengthened and arranged so as to be swept by machine gun fire.  Breastworks for high command fire started.  The plain being so waterlogged it was found impossible to dig down.

11 October 1916

Extract from the official war diary of the 2nd Bn, 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment

‘C’ Coy was relieved at NEVOLJEN by ‘B’ Coy and returned to Bn. H. Q.

Military Medal conferred on No. 9361 Pte. Jones for gallantry in rescuing 2/Lt. Gurteen wounded in the retirement from NEVOLJEN on the 10th Sept 1916 when attached to 2/N. Fus.

Extract from 84th Bde Wire – “The Corps Commander has much pleasure in conferring the Military Medal for act of Bravery on the following:- No. 9361 Pte. Jones, 2/Bn. The Cheshire Regt.  The Corps Commander wishes to be conveyed to above his congratulations and thanks for good services rendered.”

5 October 1916

Extract from the official war diary of the 1st Bn, 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment


C.O went on leave.  Battalion moved to Reserve Billets in Emperor’s Road to relieve 11th East Yorks, moving off at 8:30am.   Relief complete by 10:30am; Billets for men good, but Officers poor.  Very heavy rain during the evening and the ground consequently very muddy.  Draft of 100 men joined from DENBIGHSHIRE YEOMANRY.

 Extract from the official war diary of the 2nd Bn, 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment

Orders received from Brigadier General at about 10.30 am to the effect that the Battn. was to find 2 strong patrols to reconnoitre towards NEVOLJEN.  Within an hour after receiving these orders “A” and “C” Companies had crossed the river, and an advance was made on the village in one extended line with Scouts in front, “A” Co. on right “C” Co on left, under the command of Captn Cuff.  Scouts entered village about 2pm without opposition.  During afternoon several Bulgars in small groups retired from far side of village towards CUCULUK.  These were shelled by our artillery.  The Companies entered village between 5 pm and 6 pm.  Colonel Smyth in the meantime had ridden across ORLJAK BRIDGE and entered the village in advance of Companies and then made arrangements with Coy Comdrs for the defence of the village.

 At about 6.30 pm our patrols who were sent forward to the right and left of village came across two parties of enemy about 40 and 30 strong respectively.  An attack was made on right party (N.E.) and driven off, leaving 14 unwounded and 1 wounded prisoners of the 26th Regiment in our hands.   The party on the left front was driven off by machine gun fire, several being hit.

The two Companies consolidated their positions during night. 

We had no casualties

30 September 1916

Extract from the official war diary of the 2nd Bn, 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment

Letter “D” Co with 2 Machine Guns under Captain King-Smith and Bn Scouts with 1 Machine Gun under Lt. Birkett made a Demonstration towards NEVOLJEN to assist operations by 27th Division further down stream.  The idea was to attract enemy’s attention and act as if part of a force covering the establishment of a Bridge-head.

“D” Coy crossed the STRUMA on foot at 3 pm followed at 3.15 pm by Bn. Scouts.  The advance towards NEVOLJEN from left bank of river started at 4 pm.  When within about 1200 yards of the village a position was taken up in a dry watercourse, and machine gun and rifle fire opened.

The enemy did not reply to our fire.  Party returned after dark, reaching the right bank (our side) of the river at about 8.15 pm.

In connection with this operation a very useful reconnaissance towards NEVOLJEN was carried out by the Bn. Scouts under Lt. Beckett on the 29th.